Friday, December 24, 2010

Chapter 5: That Night (by Xan Raymond)

Well.” Said Kerdik. “I believe the audience speaks for itself.”
He turned to look at the irritated woman. “Miriam, I am Kerdik. It is an absolute pleasure to meet you.” He reached across the table, took her delicate hand, and kissed it ever so gently.
The bulbous nosed man got red in the face. “This is ridiculous!” He snarled. “You can’t force my wife to sleep with you!”
“This is true,” Piped up a feminine voice. The woman had said her first words since the travelers arrived. “So, I will not let him.”
The fat man laughed. Her eyes shot a look at her oblivious husband, then returned to Kerdik.
“Kerdik, good sir, would you accompany me to my bed?”
The fat man exploded into an extreme rage.
WHAT?” he exclaimed.
“I believe,” she calmly stated, “That this man won your ‘joke’ of a bet. Therefore, he is entitled to his prize.”
“You can’t be serious!” exclaimed the fat man.
“Oh, I am. Perhaps you will learn from this, Donald.”
In a fit of rage, Donald screamed at his wife. “You whore! How dare you betray your husband with such ease?” He raised his hand to swing at her. Kerdik caught the fat drunkard’s hand, flipped him around and shoved him face-down onto the table. He leaned forward onto the man, who let out a loud grunt in shame and agony. Kerdik whispered in Donald’s ear:
“A woman so lovely deserves far more than a fat, insolent drunk that would use his wife in a bet for material possessions, and then raise his slimy hand to attack her. You, sir, disgust me.”
The man attempted to snarl a sentence at Kerdik. “You will regret-mmmmph!“ Kerdik stuffed the man’s face in a plate of food, and whispered, “You will stay away from her as long as I am here.”
Kerdik regained his composure as he stood up. Everyone was staring at him. It didn’t matter, he was used to negative attention. He took Miriam’s hand and headed towards the door.
Suddenly, a woman screamed and the crowd became restless. He knew what was happening: Donald the Drunk was running at him, most likely with a weapon. He waited until he could feel the vibrations from the drunk man’s footstep touch his heel, and then spun around in a flash, landing a clear shot at the side of the man’s head. The man flew back unconscious as Kerdik’s fist connected with his skull.
Kerdik looked around at everyone, all of whom were wide eyed with jaws agape. He caught sight of Derrick amidst the crowd of shocked individuals, who nodded as if to say well done. Kerdik felt the urge to say something clever, but could think of nothing. So instead, he nodded at a startled Miriam, and the two left the tavern.

When they reached Miriam’s front door, Kerdik’s stomach caught fire with nervousness. He had never done this before. Miriam smiled an odd smile as they she opened the door and stepped inside. Kerdik did his best to keep from breathing too hard as he followed her in. She lit some candles for light, and slowly moved towards her bed. Kerdik followed her, close enough to smell her lightly perfumed hair. When they reached the bed, she turned to face him. He stared into her eyes for some time, but did not move. Finally, she slowly reached up to brush the hair out of his face, her soft fingers caressing his skin. He leaned in and kissed her. She hesitated, and then began kissing him back.
The kiss started off slow and light, but quickly became more intense. She moved her hands from his face down to his back, and began to pull him closer. He moved his hands up and down her back, caressing her thin frame for some time before finally reaching down and lightly grabbing her rear end. He felt her lips form the shape of a smile as she kissed him. He relaxed a little bit, leaning in further. He could feel the warmth and softness of her body against his hardening member. She smiled and pulled back, looking downward at his erection. Kerdik became slightly nervous once again.
“Take off your clothes,” she whispered. “It’s time you claimed your prize.”
Kerdik did as told. Miriam looked at his naked body in the candlelight and gave him an impressed look. He couldn’t resist leaning in and kissing her again. As their lips caressed each other, she ran her fingers down his stomach until they reached his manhood, which she began to stroke ever so gently. He pulled away.
“Take off yours,” he whispered. “I’m ready.”
She smiled nervously, and then slowly disrobed. She was quite thin, but full figured. He looked her up and down in the candlelight, from her legs to her breasts to her face. He smiled and kissed her again, this time advancing towards the bed. Miriam fell backwards onto the soft sheets, and moved back until she was fully on the bed. Kerdik crawled on top of her and started kissing her neck. She spread her legs, and Kerdik entered her.
She let out a gasp, then a soft moan. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth slightly, breathing more heavily. Kerdik began thrusting with more intensity, and her moans increased in volume. She pulled his head down and locked lips with the scarred warrior. This kiss was far more passionate than any of the others, and Kerdik pulled her in deeper, until she was scratching him down his back and biting his lower lip. The two were now sweating and breathing more heavily than ever, and Kerdik felt a tingle coming on in his groin, which could only mean one thing: he was nearing the end.
He leaned in and whispered in her ear, “I’m…I’m….”
She whispered, “Go ahead. I want to feel it on me.”
That was it. He removed his phallus from within her and released his essence onto her body.

Wow.” She giggled.
Kerdik collapsed onto the bed, lying next to her for some time, attempting to catch his breath.
“Quite the passionate man you are.”
Kerdik laughed breathlessly, but said nothing.
“My husband was never that good.”
“You flatter me too much.” He said, laughing.
“How long will you be in town?”
“I was planning on staying for just a few days, but now I never want to leave.”
That was the most honest answer Kerdik had ever given anyone. For once in his troubled life, the legendary warrior felt at peace. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Derrick had never consumed so much ale in one night. It felt good though, after a long time of walking through the wilderness, he was finally able to relax and enjoy himself, as well as the company of his newfound friends. He was once again the center of attention, and everyone was buying him drinks. It was a great night.
You there,” Wafted a sweet female voice in Derrick’s direction. He turned to see a young woman, olive skinned and quite shapely, with green eyes and black hair, smiling at him. She beckoned him with one slender finger, and he moved over to speak with her.
“Hello, my lady.” He said, smiling. “I am Derrick-“
“Indeed you are. You are also quite the bard. In all my travels, I have yet to hear a voice so…enchanting….” She smiled and narrowed her eyes seductively, beautiful face illuminated by the flickering fire light, and rested her soft, delicate hand atop Derrick’s. The young bard was unsure of what to say. He was not used to such forwardness.
“I am Alina.”
“That is a beautiful name.”

The two talked about nothing for a long, long time. Most of the conversation was a thinly veiled excuse for the two to flirt with each other, a type of conversation Derrick was all too well acquainted with.
Suddenly, out of the dimly lit corner of the tavern, emerged another olive skinned, black haired nymph, most likely of blood relation to the one in front of him. She walked up, flashing her lovely smile and fluttering her gorgeous eyelashes, and sat down next to the young woman before Derrick.
“Well, hello.” Said the new, beautiful face.
“Derrick, this is my sister, Luminita.”
Luminita smiled and held out her hand, which Derrick promptly kissed.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Luminita.” He said.
“The pleasure is all mine, not too often does one run into a bard so talented or passionate…or handsome…”
“You flatter me too much.” Derrick said, starting to blush.
The young man knew what was going to happen. It had happened before many times. He would sing for anyone who gave him audience, but his favorites were beautiful women – especially when they decided to flirt with him afterwards….which typically led to much better things. Still, if what he was sensing was actually there, he was in for quite the night.
Luminita faked a yawn.
“Oh my, it must be late. I believe we should retire.” She said, never ceasing eye contact with Derrick.
“Yes,” said Alina. “Would you care to accompany us to our camp, Derrick?”
“I would be delighted.”
And with that, they left the tavern and stepped into the night.

“So, what wonderful land is it that would produce two ladies as beautiful as yourselves?” Asked Derrick, getting bolder.
“We come from Romanda, originally.” Said Alina.
“But we’ve travelled all over….we never really had a place to call home. It can be difficult, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“Me neither.” Said Luminita.
They walked on in silence for some time, before Luminita asked: “And you? Where are you from?”
“I….don’t know.” Said Derrick. “I remember waking up in a clearing….surrounded by…”
He looked at the two of them.
“It’s really not important.” He said quickly.
And they left it at that, walking in silence the rest of the trip.

“This is our camp.” They said, arriving at a large tent.
Alina winked at Derrick. “You’re welcome to…come inside.”
“Yes, please do.” Said Luminita. “We’d certainly enjoy your company.”
“Well, it does beat sleeping in a barn…” Derrick said, smiling.
The three walked inside and Luminita lit a lantern.
Without a word, the two sisters began to disrobe. Derrick was slightly taken aback, but he got used to the sight rather quick. Their pert breasts practically glowed by the light of the lantern’s flame. Slender, fit bodies revealing themselves before his eyes. Derrick felt a familiar feeling between his legs. But what was he to do next? He stood there for a moment before Alina said:
“You’re not going to sleep like that, are you? Please, make yourself comfortable. It’s warm out, take your clothes off and rest.”
Derrick couldn’t help but grin. He removed his shirt, which induced a slight smile from the two nude sisters. Then, without further hesitation, removed his trousers.
“Oh my,” grinned Luminita. “You are obviously quite happy with what you see.”
Derrick couldn’t help but blush when he saw the sisters staring at his swollen manhood.
Luminita continued: “I must say…I too am rather enjoying the sight before me.”
Hearing such words emerge from the mouth of the beautiful and naked goddess in front of him caused his member to harden even more, which seemed to please the nude gypsy sisters.
“So…what happens now?” asked Derrick, knowing full well what the answer was.
Without saying a thing, Alina and Luminita walked towards Derrick. Suddenly, their soft, delicate fingers were caressing his tired muscles, as they took turns passionately kissing him. His calloused hands wandered across their soft skinned bodies and held them close. Eventually, Alina began to nibble on his earlobe and run her nails sensually across his chest and shoulders, as Luminita fell to her knees before him. Before he could even guess what was going to happen next, he felt Luminita’s lips, tongue and teeth against his phallus. She started to rock her head back and forth and Alina moved his hand down to the region between her toned legs, moist and ready for him. Derrick took a step back and Luminita removed him from her mouth. He motioned to Alina, who lay down on her back, spreading her legs. Derrick crawled atop the sweating gypsy and entered her. As he began to thrust himself into a now writhing Alina, he grabbed Luminita’s hand and pulled her over. He gently pushed his fingers inside her, and began to move them around. Luminita began to moan at an extreme volume. The screams of pleasure from the two writhing gypsy sisters was too much; Derrick removed himself from between Alina’s legs and released his seed across her shining body. He collapsed onto his back and attempted to catch his breath. Alina, smiling, began to kiss him once again, as Luminita began to caress his exhausted body with her lips. Before long, he regained his composure and his lust returned. He hardened once again, and Luminita crawled atop his erection, moving up and down on it, slowly at first, then picking up speed. Now the positions were reversed, as Derrick moved Alina around like a puppet with his index and middle finger while Luminita bounced up and down on his member. This lasted for some time, the sisters climaxing at several points and all three participants moaning, sweating and running out of breath. Eventually Derrick managed to choke out the words, “I’m going to…” and Luminita picked up on it. She removed herself from atop his manhood and grabbed onto it, finishing him off with her delicate hands. His essence exploded all over both of them. The beautiful gypsy girl smiled and crawled over onto him until she was on top. She caressed his face, kissed him passionately, and rolled over onto Derrick’s right arm, which he used to pull her close to him. Alina then came over to his left, and Derrick pulled her close as well.

All three lay on the ground, Alina and Luminita resting their heads on Derrick’s chest.
“So, I must ask.” Said Alina after a long pause, silence filled only by the three attempting to catch their breath.
Derrick sensed a question he did not want to answer on its way.
“….Very well.” He said.
“Are you…..Altrik?” She asked nervously.
“I…yes, I am.” He said.
Well,” piped up Luminita. “Now we know how good Altriks are between the sheets.”
Alina and Derrick laughed.
“I hope that was a compliment.” He said.
“Oh, it most certainly was.”
And with that, any awkwardness was left behind. Both sisters gave him a kiss on the cheek, and the three fell asleep, sweaty, exhausted, and happy.

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