Friday, December 3, 2010

Chapter 2: Kerdik (by Xan Raymond)

Derrick walked for some time. Bright red sunsets turned to dark blue dawns that almost brought comfort to Derrick’s troubled heart. At least the sky believed in order.
After trudging through the endless waves of open field, still with no sign of civilization, Derrick came to stand before a dark forest. Night was falling, and the air began to get colder. Still, he was not interested in stopping now, after all the distance he had come. He took a hesitant breath and marched forward into the woods.

The eerie feeling that Derrick was being watched returned. However, it wasn’t quite the same this time; perhaps he was simply more confident that he could handle whatever potential threat may have been stalking him. He walked through the woods before becoming convinced that someone – or something – was following him. He stopped and gripped his staff. Suddenly, the air became thick with fear and tension.

“Show yourself!” he commanded, not letting the creeping nervousness affect his voice.
“I will not hesitate to end your life! No matter the amount in your party, you will all die by my staff, this I swear!!!”
Nothing. Derrick began to grow angry.
Show yourself, Criminal!!!
Derrick sensed an arrow flying for his side and dove out of the way, quickly rolling to his feet and taking a defensive stance. The arrow landed deep in a nearby tree.
That was either a very brave accusation, or a very stupid one.” echoed a voice all around Derrick.
“You would kill a man over an accusation? Tis the act of a lawbreaker in my eyes!!!” shouted Derrick, growing more nervous.
Had I truly intended to kill you, I would have already done so, a hundred paces back. However, I am no criminal, and therefore will not put an end to your life until you motivate me to do so. Now, are there any others in your party I should know about? If you are keeping secrets from me, I can guarantee that you and your companions will deeply, deeply regret it.
A bat flitted through the air. It would seem Derrick and the stranger noticed it at the same time, for not a moment after Derrick became aware of its presence, another arrow flew out of the shadows and pinned it to a tree. The man was not bluffing.
Derrick attempted to be diplomatic. “I promise you, I travel alone. Present yourself and we can discuss this, like civilized individuals…”
A booming, slightly insane laugh was heard all around..
Are you serious? Present myself to YOU? After you threaten my life even! I will do nothing of the kind, I know bandit games. You are a fool to think you can trick me.” Echoed the voice.
“I assure you, I have no companions, and I have no reason to cause you harm. Present yourself and perhaps this confrontation can end peacefully.”
And if I still refuse?
“Then you are a coward.”
Derrick could hear an arrow being pulled, though he could not detect where. He braced for attack.
Suddenly, two quick footsteps appeared behind him, and he heard the bow again.
Turn around.
Derrick did as told. Finally, he saw the mysterious figure before him. He was a strapping young man, save for a large scar on the right side of his face. The young man had a rough piece of leather covering his right eye. Derrick was amazed that a man could be so accurate with only one eye. The young man had a large axe on his back and a bow fixed on Derrick’s chest.
“Stay where you are, stranger.” Said the scarred man.
“I assure you, I mean you no harm-“
“And I will simply remind you that you swore to end my life just moments ago. Is that not so?”
“I am no criminal, but I will not hesitate to defend myself from them. Now, you strike me as a man who has no interest in killing those who do not deserve it, and I can assure you that I am but a weary traveler in search of shelter and food, and a place to earn my keep…”
“Oh? And what is your trade?”
“I am but a humble performer.”
Derrick stuck his staff in the ground and showed the cautious bowman his lute.
“Play a song then.” The man said calmly, though remaining suspicious.
“I will play only if you return that arrow to its quiver.”
The man raised an eyebrow. “And why would I do that?”
“Well, I am hardly in the right mind to entertain you if you could kill me at any moment.”
There was a pause.
“Here is my proposal: you may take my weapons, so long as you promise me that you intend to harm me no more than I you.”
Derrick tossed the bowman his dagger. “Lower your bow, and I shall hand you my staff.” Derrick knew that if he could just get the man to stop pointing his arrow at him, he would be on more even terms, if not having the upper hand. He had already won starting out with mere fists against bandits, and what the man did not know about Derrick could be used against him. Still, as he said, he had no interest in killing the one-eyed bowman if the option was avoidable.
The bowman cautiously considered it, and eventually obliged. Derrick tossed the man his staff, which prompted him to put away his arrow.
“Now, if you don’t mind, I could use a song. You’d better be an excellent bard, I have high standards.” The stranger sneered.
Derrick began playing his lute. He did his best to keep his voice steady as he sang:

O, were she so kind as to lend me a glance
I’d gain her good favor however I could
But a maiden surrounded by treasures and gold
Would never lend ears to mere metal and wood”

The stranger seemed to calm down a bit. An odd, unfamiliar expression washed over his face. Derrick kept singing:

With the grace of a swan and beauty unrivaled
She’d light up the darkest cave with a smile
And I would love her as no other man could

And I’d follow her through fire and snow
But alas, tis something that she’ll never know
For I am confined to this metal and wood

I hope one day she’ll learn
That this is her song
And my prayers will be answered
After so long
And she’ll give me the chance
To give her my love
And set my heart free
To soar like a dove

O, I know it could happen!
Know I’m not wrong,
If only she knew this…

Derrick played the last few notes, and slung the lute over his back.
“That was rather impressive.” Said the man. “Name’s Kerdik.”
Derrick smiled and held out his hand.
“Derrick.” He said.
“Well, Derrick,” said Kerdik, ”Better help you into town. These woods get dangerous at this hour, and you could use a guide.”
Derrick was taken aback at Kerdik’s abrupt change of heart.
“Why so generous all of a sudden?” he asked.
“I’ve never heard such sincerity in my life, and talents like yours should not go unused. T’would not be right to leave you alone out here.”
“Well, I’m not one to turn away help when it is offered…”
“You’re welcome then.” Kerdik smiled. It was an odd, slightly crazy smile, but it was definitely genuine.
“But don’t get any fancy ideas,” said Kerdik, stern once again. “You’re an excellent singer and a damn fine musician, but that won’t save your life a second time, should you try anything... creative.”
Derrick grinned. “That’s more like it.”
And with that, the two of them set off in search of civilization.

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