Friday, December 24, 2010

Chapter 5: That Night (by Xan Raymond)

Well.” Said Kerdik. “I believe the audience speaks for itself.”
He turned to look at the irritated woman. “Miriam, I am Kerdik. It is an absolute pleasure to meet you.” He reached across the table, took her delicate hand, and kissed it ever so gently.
The bulbous nosed man got red in the face. “This is ridiculous!” He snarled. “You can’t force my wife to sleep with you!”
“This is true,” Piped up a feminine voice. The woman had said her first words since the travelers arrived. “So, I will not let him.”
The fat man laughed. Her eyes shot a look at her oblivious husband, then returned to Kerdik.
“Kerdik, good sir, would you accompany me to my bed?”
The fat man exploded into an extreme rage.
WHAT?” he exclaimed.
“I believe,” she calmly stated, “That this man won your ‘joke’ of a bet. Therefore, he is entitled to his prize.”
“You can’t be serious!” exclaimed the fat man.
“Oh, I am. Perhaps you will learn from this, Donald.”
In a fit of rage, Donald screamed at his wife. “You whore! How dare you betray your husband with such ease?” He raised his hand to swing at her. Kerdik caught the fat drunkard’s hand, flipped him around and shoved him face-down onto the table. He leaned forward onto the man, who let out a loud grunt in shame and agony. Kerdik whispered in Donald’s ear:
“A woman so lovely deserves far more than a fat, insolent drunk that would use his wife in a bet for material possessions, and then raise his slimy hand to attack her. You, sir, disgust me.”
The man attempted to snarl a sentence at Kerdik. “You will regret-mmmmph!“ Kerdik stuffed the man’s face in a plate of food, and whispered, “You will stay away from her as long as I am here.”
Kerdik regained his composure as he stood up. Everyone was staring at him. It didn’t matter, he was used to negative attention. He took Miriam’s hand and headed towards the door.
Suddenly, a woman screamed and the crowd became restless. He knew what was happening: Donald the Drunk was running at him, most likely with a weapon. He waited until he could feel the vibrations from the drunk man’s footstep touch his heel, and then spun around in a flash, landing a clear shot at the side of the man’s head. The man flew back unconscious as Kerdik’s fist connected with his skull.
Kerdik looked around at everyone, all of whom were wide eyed with jaws agape. He caught sight of Derrick amidst the crowd of shocked individuals, who nodded as if to say well done. Kerdik felt the urge to say something clever, but could think of nothing. So instead, he nodded at a startled Miriam, and the two left the tavern.

When they reached Miriam’s front door, Kerdik’s stomach caught fire with nervousness. He had never done this before. Miriam smiled an odd smile as they she opened the door and stepped inside. Kerdik did his best to keep from breathing too hard as he followed her in. She lit some candles for light, and slowly moved towards her bed. Kerdik followed her, close enough to smell her lightly perfumed hair. When they reached the bed, she turned to face him. He stared into her eyes for some time, but did not move. Finally, she slowly reached up to brush the hair out of his face, her soft fingers caressing his skin. He leaned in and kissed her. She hesitated, and then began kissing him back.
The kiss started off slow and light, but quickly became more intense. She moved her hands from his face down to his back, and began to pull him closer. He moved his hands up and down her back, caressing her thin frame for some time before finally reaching down and lightly grabbing her rear end. He felt her lips form the shape of a smile as she kissed him. He relaxed a little bit, leaning in further. He could feel the warmth and softness of her body against his hardening member. She smiled and pulled back, looking downward at his erection. Kerdik became slightly nervous once again.
“Take off your clothes,” she whispered. “It’s time you claimed your prize.”
Kerdik did as told. Miriam looked at his naked body in the candlelight and gave him an impressed look. He couldn’t resist leaning in and kissing her again. As their lips caressed each other, she ran her fingers down his stomach until they reached his manhood, which she began to stroke ever so gently. He pulled away.
“Take off yours,” he whispered. “I’m ready.”
She smiled nervously, and then slowly disrobed. She was quite thin, but full figured. He looked her up and down in the candlelight, from her legs to her breasts to her face. He smiled and kissed her again, this time advancing towards the bed. Miriam fell backwards onto the soft sheets, and moved back until she was fully on the bed. Kerdik crawled on top of her and started kissing her neck. She spread her legs, and Kerdik entered her.
She let out a gasp, then a soft moan. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth slightly, breathing more heavily. Kerdik began thrusting with more intensity, and her moans increased in volume. She pulled his head down and locked lips with the scarred warrior. This kiss was far more passionate than any of the others, and Kerdik pulled her in deeper, until she was scratching him down his back and biting his lower lip. The two were now sweating and breathing more heavily than ever, and Kerdik felt a tingle coming on in his groin, which could only mean one thing: he was nearing the end.
He leaned in and whispered in her ear, “I’m…I’m….”
She whispered, “Go ahead. I want to feel it on me.”
That was it. He removed his phallus from within her and released his essence onto her body.

Wow.” She giggled.
Kerdik collapsed onto the bed, lying next to her for some time, attempting to catch his breath.
“Quite the passionate man you are.”
Kerdik laughed breathlessly, but said nothing.
“My husband was never that good.”
“You flatter me too much.” He said, laughing.
“How long will you be in town?”
“I was planning on staying for just a few days, but now I never want to leave.”
That was the most honest answer Kerdik had ever given anyone. For once in his troubled life, the legendary warrior felt at peace. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Derrick had never consumed so much ale in one night. It felt good though, after a long time of walking through the wilderness, he was finally able to relax and enjoy himself, as well as the company of his newfound friends. He was once again the center of attention, and everyone was buying him drinks. It was a great night.
You there,” Wafted a sweet female voice in Derrick’s direction. He turned to see a young woman, olive skinned and quite shapely, with green eyes and black hair, smiling at him. She beckoned him with one slender finger, and he moved over to speak with her.
“Hello, my lady.” He said, smiling. “I am Derrick-“
“Indeed you are. You are also quite the bard. In all my travels, I have yet to hear a voice so…enchanting….” She smiled and narrowed her eyes seductively, beautiful face illuminated by the flickering fire light, and rested her soft, delicate hand atop Derrick’s. The young bard was unsure of what to say. He was not used to such forwardness.
“I am Alina.”
“That is a beautiful name.”

The two talked about nothing for a long, long time. Most of the conversation was a thinly veiled excuse for the two to flirt with each other, a type of conversation Derrick was all too well acquainted with.
Suddenly, out of the dimly lit corner of the tavern, emerged another olive skinned, black haired nymph, most likely of blood relation to the one in front of him. She walked up, flashing her lovely smile and fluttering her gorgeous eyelashes, and sat down next to the young woman before Derrick.
“Well, hello.” Said the new, beautiful face.
“Derrick, this is my sister, Luminita.”
Luminita smiled and held out her hand, which Derrick promptly kissed.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Luminita.” He said.
“The pleasure is all mine, not too often does one run into a bard so talented or passionate…or handsome…”
“You flatter me too much.” Derrick said, starting to blush.
The young man knew what was going to happen. It had happened before many times. He would sing for anyone who gave him audience, but his favorites were beautiful women – especially when they decided to flirt with him afterwards….which typically led to much better things. Still, if what he was sensing was actually there, he was in for quite the night.
Luminita faked a yawn.
“Oh my, it must be late. I believe we should retire.” She said, never ceasing eye contact with Derrick.
“Yes,” said Alina. “Would you care to accompany us to our camp, Derrick?”
“I would be delighted.”
And with that, they left the tavern and stepped into the night.

“So, what wonderful land is it that would produce two ladies as beautiful as yourselves?” Asked Derrick, getting bolder.
“We come from Romanda, originally.” Said Alina.
“But we’ve travelled all over….we never really had a place to call home. It can be difficult, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“Me neither.” Said Luminita.
They walked on in silence for some time, before Luminita asked: “And you? Where are you from?”
“I….don’t know.” Said Derrick. “I remember waking up in a clearing….surrounded by…”
He looked at the two of them.
“It’s really not important.” He said quickly.
And they left it at that, walking in silence the rest of the trip.

“This is our camp.” They said, arriving at a large tent.
Alina winked at Derrick. “You’re welcome to…come inside.”
“Yes, please do.” Said Luminita. “We’d certainly enjoy your company.”
“Well, it does beat sleeping in a barn…” Derrick said, smiling.
The three walked inside and Luminita lit a lantern.
Without a word, the two sisters began to disrobe. Derrick was slightly taken aback, but he got used to the sight rather quick. Their pert breasts practically glowed by the light of the lantern’s flame. Slender, fit bodies revealing themselves before his eyes. Derrick felt a familiar feeling between his legs. But what was he to do next? He stood there for a moment before Alina said:
“You’re not going to sleep like that, are you? Please, make yourself comfortable. It’s warm out, take your clothes off and rest.”
Derrick couldn’t help but grin. He removed his shirt, which induced a slight smile from the two nude sisters. Then, without further hesitation, removed his trousers.
“Oh my,” grinned Luminita. “You are obviously quite happy with what you see.”
Derrick couldn’t help but blush when he saw the sisters staring at his swollen manhood.
Luminita continued: “I must say…I too am rather enjoying the sight before me.”
Hearing such words emerge from the mouth of the beautiful and naked goddess in front of him caused his member to harden even more, which seemed to please the nude gypsy sisters.
“So…what happens now?” asked Derrick, knowing full well what the answer was.
Without saying a thing, Alina and Luminita walked towards Derrick. Suddenly, their soft, delicate fingers were caressing his tired muscles, as they took turns passionately kissing him. His calloused hands wandered across their soft skinned bodies and held them close. Eventually, Alina began to nibble on his earlobe and run her nails sensually across his chest and shoulders, as Luminita fell to her knees before him. Before he could even guess what was going to happen next, he felt Luminita’s lips, tongue and teeth against his phallus. She started to rock her head back and forth and Alina moved his hand down to the region between her toned legs, moist and ready for him. Derrick took a step back and Luminita removed him from her mouth. He motioned to Alina, who lay down on her back, spreading her legs. Derrick crawled atop the sweating gypsy and entered her. As he began to thrust himself into a now writhing Alina, he grabbed Luminita’s hand and pulled her over. He gently pushed his fingers inside her, and began to move them around. Luminita began to moan at an extreme volume. The screams of pleasure from the two writhing gypsy sisters was too much; Derrick removed himself from between Alina’s legs and released his seed across her shining body. He collapsed onto his back and attempted to catch his breath. Alina, smiling, began to kiss him once again, as Luminita began to caress his exhausted body with her lips. Before long, he regained his composure and his lust returned. He hardened once again, and Luminita crawled atop his erection, moving up and down on it, slowly at first, then picking up speed. Now the positions were reversed, as Derrick moved Alina around like a puppet with his index and middle finger while Luminita bounced up and down on his member. This lasted for some time, the sisters climaxing at several points and all three participants moaning, sweating and running out of breath. Eventually Derrick managed to choke out the words, “I’m going to…” and Luminita picked up on it. She removed herself from atop his manhood and grabbed onto it, finishing him off with her delicate hands. His essence exploded all over both of them. The beautiful gypsy girl smiled and crawled over onto him until she was on top. She caressed his face, kissed him passionately, and rolled over onto Derrick’s right arm, which he used to pull her close to him. Alina then came over to his left, and Derrick pulled her close as well.

All three lay on the ground, Alina and Luminita resting their heads on Derrick’s chest.
“So, I must ask.” Said Alina after a long pause, silence filled only by the three attempting to catch their breath.
Derrick sensed a question he did not want to answer on its way.
“….Very well.” He said.
“Are you…..Altrik?” She asked nervously.
“I…yes, I am.” He said.
Well,” piped up Luminita. “Now we know how good Altriks are between the sheets.”
Alina and Derrick laughed.
“I hope that was a compliment.” He said.
“Oh, it most certainly was.”
And with that, any awkwardness was left behind. Both sisters gave him a kiss on the cheek, and the three fell asleep, sweaty, exhausted, and happy.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Chapter 4: The City of Adrian (by Xan Raymond)

It had been quite a while since Derrick had been in a town, and Adrian was most definitely a sight to behold. In fact, it was a pleasure for all senses. All around were sounds of singing and laughter, the feeling of warm fires roasting large, wonderful smelling slabs of meat, and sights of many beautiful women. The two tired men stepped into a large, welcoming tavern.
Inside the tavern were many strangers laughing and conversing, a stage with minstrels dancing, and the smell of delicious food wafting through the air. He had seen festivities in Old Brick, but never of this magnitude.
“Quite a change from trees and dirt, eh?” Kerdik laughed.
“I must say, I have never seen such…” Derrick was at a loss for words. Such joy and euphoria from so many people; it was almost too much.
“You look like you could use a drink.”
“I… yes, that sounds nice.”

Many pints later, the two began to relax and walk away from the bar. They awkwardly stumbled over to one of the less crowded tables and sat down. In front of them were several round men, one of which was bald and large nosed, and one rather attractive woman. The woman sat next to the fat, bald man in such a way that seemed to say they were married. Derrick had always wondered how such odd matches happened so frequently, but chalked it up to status, money or (hopefully) personality. He had almost completely lost himself in thought before Kerdik’s elbow hit him in the ribs, knocking him abruptly back into reality. He then realized that Kerdik and the three men had been drunkenly conversing for the past ten minutes. The presumed wife had been keeping quiet with a slight look of irritation on her face. Derrick began to listen to the conversation.
“…No, my friend, you don’t understand. We’ve had many a bard pass through our gates, and none of their songs could compare to old Rory’s over there.” Said the bulbous nosed man.
“I have no trouble believing that-“
“As a matter of fact, we have three bards, and most outsiders that come through leave in shame when they hear any of-“
“I’m sure, but my friend Derrick here is the best there ever was and the best there ever will be.”
“You’ve not even heard Rory!!!”
“And you, sir, have not heard Derrick.”
“What’s say we make a bet?” said the bulbous nosed man.
“Ahhh, we make it interesting! How much am I winning tonight?”
Derrick was growing nervous. He could understand people thinking he was good bard, he had been working at it for years, but betting on him against a man of unknown talent was completely different. He had no idea how good he was, and this stranger spoke with just as much conviction as Kerdik. He didn’t want Kerdik to lose any money.
“Bah! Money can be regained. I’ll take your weapons, and
your money.” The bulbous nosed stranger grinned a yellow toothed grin.
The fun washed from Kerdik’s face. “Very well,” he said, “And what do I win?”
The man laughed. “Sure, you can hope you’ll win. Ha, I’ll bet my wife! If your friend can get more applause than Rory, you can spend a night with my Miriam here.”
The woman became enraged, and slapped the fat, bald man. So much for personality.
“Don’t worry, Miriam,” said the man, attempting to reassure his extremely disgruntled wife. “He’ll never win against Rory. This bet is but a joke.”
“Miriam, such a lovely name.” Said Kerdik, an evil smile on his face. “I accept.”
“Wonderful! That axe will look great on my wall.”
“Wonderful indeed, your wife will look great on my manhood.”
“Do I have no say in this?” interjected Derrick.
“No. Your friend here made sure of that.” And with that, the fat, bald man arose and walked over to a dark haired man, and spoke in his hear. The dark haired man looked over at Derrick, rolled his eyes in frustration, and arose from his seat. The two of them walked over to Derrick.
“Come, let’s get this over with.” Grumbled the dark haired man, who Derrick assumed was Rory.
“Yes, come on, Derrick. Your audience awaits.”
Derrick reluctantly got out of his seat, and walked with the two of them to the stage.
When they stepped up onto the heightened platform, a blanket of silence fell across the whole tavern. The fat man spoke.
“We have here, a challenge!!!”
The audience applauded heartily, and with much excitement.
The man pointed to Derrick. “This outsider here…”
The audience politely applauded.
“Wishes to challenge Adrian’s very own Rory Lockshire…” the crowd went wild. The situation looked bad for Derrick.
“Now…who will go first?”
I will.” Said Rory. They both looked at him. He responded, “It doesn’t really matter when I go, so why not?”
Derrick and the fat man nodded.
Rory stood in the middle of the stage, and began to present his piece.

“In the night he arrived
Like a storm in the skies
To terrorize all in his path
In the dark he arose
The Highwayman’s Ghost
Dressed in clothes darker than black

Like a shadow he moves
Beneath the pale moon
If you venture down Blackwater Road
From the lake where he drowned
You’ll still hear the sounds
Of the wretched Highwayman’s Ghost

O, from the lake will his spirit arise
O, in the dark you will meet your demise
O, in the shadows will he take his form
O, he’ll appear in the mists of the moor

Rory then played a long instrumental bridge, full of eerie melodies. This man was good. He finished with a reprise of his last lyrical stanza:

O, from the lake will his spirit arise
O, in the dark you will meet your demise
O, in the shadows will he take his form
O, he’ll appear in the mists of the moor”

He took a bow and the audience went wild. Derrick had never heard such applause. What was he to play after that? He thought for a moment, and then stepped up to the front of the stage. The audience fell silent once again. Derrick cleared his throat, and began.

“From the kingdom of shadows emerged these black wraiths
In the darkness of night they give life to the graves
And summon the hollow to do work so depraved
Their unholy mission: destroy and enslave

In darkest of times, the blackest of rhymes
Were used to summon such horrors arcane
In darkest of times, the blackest of rhymes
Were used to summon the worst kind of pain

Derrick played a short interlude, changing the mood of the song.

Still, we did not give up
Still, we never backed down
Still, we never surrendered
Still, our kings kept their crowns

The audience began to cheer. Derrick’s spirits rose a bit.

O, the battle was bloody indeed
But our warriors fought till the end
They led us to our victory
Our home they failed not to defend

And through the bloody massacres
Of Shadowlord and man
We spat in the face of death
And in the end we won

Derrick, caught up in the moment, improvised an entire verse on his lute, full of notes picked in an uplifting order at a fast pace. He felt amazing.
He finished the song with a burst of energy.

So if you’re feeling poorly
About your daily life
Remember all the men that fell
To save us from such blight

And maybe there will come a day
When you will have to fight
And you may have to give your life
For what you know is right
And on that day the victory
Will finally be yours
And you will be the hero
Revered forevermore!!!!”

The crowd burst into applause. Cheering, screaming, everyone was chanting his name. Derrick took a bow, and the applause got even louder. He looked over to see what Rory was doing, and was shocked to see him applauding as well. Derrick had most definitely won.

Rory walked over to Derrick.
“Many years have I bested bards at what they do. But you sir… you are a truly extraordinary talent. Congratulations, this match is yours.” He shook Derrick’s hand. The audience went mad with joy.
“I… thank you.” Said Derrick, unable to say anything else.
“Now if you’ll excuse me,” said Rory, “My food is cold, and I’m still quite hungry. It’s time to order a new plate.” And with that, he walked off, back to his seat.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Chpater 3: The One-Eyed Demon of Frostwood (by Xan Raymond)

Neither of them said anything until dawn, when Kerdik suddenly said “So, the girl in your song…”
“What was her name?”
“And… How did things go with her?”
“What do you mean?”
“Are you asking if I slept with her? If so, the answer is yes. Or are you asking if things went well after that? If so, the answer would be no. She granted me audience one day, and the song did seem to capture her heart…”
“More than her heart it would seem.”
Derrick gave the man a look, and then continued: “She sent me a secret letter a few days later, telling me to pay her a ‘secret visit.’ She helped me sneak into her chambers, through her window.”
“And then?”
“I could never have imagined such lust from such an esteemed lady. It was a night full of passion and bliss that I had yet to experience. I was sure she felt the same.”
“But of course, things didn’t go as you had hoped, did they?”
“She was married off to a lord several towns away not long afterward. Perhaps her father knew about the night that she and I shared and was frightened that she would disgrace the family name by consorting with the likes of me, a mere peasant. Or, perhaps it had all been planned beforehand. I will never know.”
“Or perhaps you were just awful between the sheets, and she did her best to get away from you.”
Derrick gave him a powerful glare, and Kerdik reconsidered his rudeness.
“I’m sorry, that was uncalled for. Please continue.”
Derrick sighed.
“I received several letters from her, secret ones, telling me of how she missed me and hated life at the lord’s estate. Eventually though, the letters stopped coming, and I was forced to move on.”
“I’m sorry to hear.”
“Bah. T’was not as though I could do anything about it anyway. One can only keep up secret visits for so long. I think it was better for all of us that it ended the way it did.”
“Did you love her?”
“I do not know. Perhaps I did, or perhaps I have yet to experience true love. But I did feel very strongly about her, and I do sometimes wonder what life would have been like were she not sent away so briefly afterward.”
They walked on in silence for a short while.
“And you?” inquired Derrick, suddenly.
“What about me?” replied Kerdik.
“One does not typically hunt bandits from the shadows, especially not with such accuracy. And the scar... If I may say, your scar has to be the most blatant mark of a true warrior that I have ever seen. I must know its history. Your life must have been far more interesting than mine.”
“Hmph. I would not have used the word ‘interesting’ to describe it. But, it was certainly not dull. If you wish to hear about it I suppose I’ll oblige you.”
“Alright then. Who knows? It might distract me from how tired my feet are.” Kerdik cleared his throat.
“My earliest memory was that of studying to be a monk…”
You?” blurted Derrick.
“Yes, me. And if you interrupt again I shall tell you no more.”
Derrick shut his mouth.
“Thank you. I was raised in the Askaran Temple of Frostwood, to be a monk. I did not give much thought to the outside world, and I must say, it was quite a peaceful way to live. Anyway, our temple was one of the more important ones in Frostwood, for it hosted the Grail of Shining Dark. I don’t know how educated you are on ancient relics, but the grail was supposed to rid the pure of heart of tormenting dreams if they drank from it. However, as is with most relics, the not so pure of heart experience a different result. They would instead be tortured by horrid visions while they woke and ghastly dreams while they slept. Naturally, this caused many a person to end their own lives. I never trusted myself to be pure enough to drink, but then I was also never haunted by terrible dreams.”
Kerdik noticed an impatient look on Derrick’s face.
“Right, my past. Haha, sorry, tis been awhile since I’ve said something other than ‘prepare to die’ to someone. Anyway, one night I awoke to the sound of shattering pottery and cries of agony. Foolish boy that I was, I ran into the shrine room to see what was going on. My idiocy was rewarded with an axe to the face.”
Kerdik smiled and pointed to his scar.
“When I regained consciousness, all my friends, all the priests, all were dead. My robes were covered in blood and my face stung, burned and ached all at once. I caught my reflection in a moonlit pool of… something, probably blood… and saw my wound. I treated it with wine and some healing herbs. I was probably not as upset as one who had just been marred should be. I was too distracted by a desire to spill blood, I suppose.”
He thought for a moment, and then continued:
“I do not know how long it took, how many raiders were tortured and killed in my wake. And, not to say I never lost a fight, but I adapted to being a warrior quite easily. Such is the nature of Nords, I suppose. We’ve always been a battle-hungry people… tis a shame that most of us don’t try to hone our abilities. But, I digress. After many beatings, slayings and losses, I became an expert archer, as well as quite proficient with bladed weapons. Axes are my favorite, when you feel their flesh open and their bones crunch under the might of the blade…. Ahhh, contentment on the battlefield.”
He smiled his crazy smile again.
“Anyway, I eventually became a good enough combatant to take on large groups by myself and get barely scratched, if at all. Realizing that I had nothing to lose, I hunted the raider scum to their home, Cliffside Camp…”
“…And then you single-handedly slew each and every raider in the camp?”
“Yes sir.” He seemed to know what was coming next.
“So… either that happens quite frequently, or I’m talking to the One-Eyed Demon of Frostwood!”
“The latter is most certainly correct.”
Wow. Though… I imagined you to be a bit… taller.”
“Most do. Good to see you are educated after all. Though that does mean I wasted all that time telling you about the Grail… oh, right. Yes, that is what I am known as in Fürstvodd
– or ‘Frostwood,’ as most call it. And there, I am a legend. But, I could not stay there. Too many ugly memories. So, Wrenwood and The Pale Plains are my home now.”
“And you spend your days slaying wicked criminals so that the innocent may travel these wretched roads.” Derrick said, smiling.
“I suppose, if you want to put it that way. I kill bandits.”
The woods opened up to a bright orange sky, burning elegantly, as its sun set over what looked like a large town.
“Ah, the City of Adrian!” Exclaimed Kerdik. “How does it feel to gaze upon civilization once again?”
“Wonderful. It’s been far too long.”
“Let’s get going then, if we hurry we can make it there before nightfall.”

Friday, December 3, 2010

Chapter 2: Kerdik (by Xan Raymond)

Derrick walked for some time. Bright red sunsets turned to dark blue dawns that almost brought comfort to Derrick’s troubled heart. At least the sky believed in order.
After trudging through the endless waves of open field, still with no sign of civilization, Derrick came to stand before a dark forest. Night was falling, and the air began to get colder. Still, he was not interested in stopping now, after all the distance he had come. He took a hesitant breath and marched forward into the woods.

The eerie feeling that Derrick was being watched returned. However, it wasn’t quite the same this time; perhaps he was simply more confident that he could handle whatever potential threat may have been stalking him. He walked through the woods before becoming convinced that someone – or something – was following him. He stopped and gripped his staff. Suddenly, the air became thick with fear and tension.

“Show yourself!” he commanded, not letting the creeping nervousness affect his voice.
“I will not hesitate to end your life! No matter the amount in your party, you will all die by my staff, this I swear!!!”
Nothing. Derrick began to grow angry.
Show yourself, Criminal!!!
Derrick sensed an arrow flying for his side and dove out of the way, quickly rolling to his feet and taking a defensive stance. The arrow landed deep in a nearby tree.
That was either a very brave accusation, or a very stupid one.” echoed a voice all around Derrick.
“You would kill a man over an accusation? Tis the act of a lawbreaker in my eyes!!!” shouted Derrick, growing more nervous.
Had I truly intended to kill you, I would have already done so, a hundred paces back. However, I am no criminal, and therefore will not put an end to your life until you motivate me to do so. Now, are there any others in your party I should know about? If you are keeping secrets from me, I can guarantee that you and your companions will deeply, deeply regret it.
A bat flitted through the air. It would seem Derrick and the stranger noticed it at the same time, for not a moment after Derrick became aware of its presence, another arrow flew out of the shadows and pinned it to a tree. The man was not bluffing.
Derrick attempted to be diplomatic. “I promise you, I travel alone. Present yourself and we can discuss this, like civilized individuals…”
A booming, slightly insane laugh was heard all around..
Are you serious? Present myself to YOU? After you threaten my life even! I will do nothing of the kind, I know bandit games. You are a fool to think you can trick me.” Echoed the voice.
“I assure you, I have no companions, and I have no reason to cause you harm. Present yourself and perhaps this confrontation can end peacefully.”
And if I still refuse?
“Then you are a coward.”
Derrick could hear an arrow being pulled, though he could not detect where. He braced for attack.
Suddenly, two quick footsteps appeared behind him, and he heard the bow again.
Turn around.
Derrick did as told. Finally, he saw the mysterious figure before him. He was a strapping young man, save for a large scar on the right side of his face. The young man had a rough piece of leather covering his right eye. Derrick was amazed that a man could be so accurate with only one eye. The young man had a large axe on his back and a bow fixed on Derrick’s chest.
“Stay where you are, stranger.” Said the scarred man.
“I assure you, I mean you no harm-“
“And I will simply remind you that you swore to end my life just moments ago. Is that not so?”
“I am no criminal, but I will not hesitate to defend myself from them. Now, you strike me as a man who has no interest in killing those who do not deserve it, and I can assure you that I am but a weary traveler in search of shelter and food, and a place to earn my keep…”
“Oh? And what is your trade?”
“I am but a humble performer.”
Derrick stuck his staff in the ground and showed the cautious bowman his lute.
“Play a song then.” The man said calmly, though remaining suspicious.
“I will play only if you return that arrow to its quiver.”
The man raised an eyebrow. “And why would I do that?”
“Well, I am hardly in the right mind to entertain you if you could kill me at any moment.”
There was a pause.
“Here is my proposal: you may take my weapons, so long as you promise me that you intend to harm me no more than I you.”
Derrick tossed the bowman his dagger. “Lower your bow, and I shall hand you my staff.” Derrick knew that if he could just get the man to stop pointing his arrow at him, he would be on more even terms, if not having the upper hand. He had already won starting out with mere fists against bandits, and what the man did not know about Derrick could be used against him. Still, as he said, he had no interest in killing the one-eyed bowman if the option was avoidable.
The bowman cautiously considered it, and eventually obliged. Derrick tossed the man his staff, which prompted him to put away his arrow.
“Now, if you don’t mind, I could use a song. You’d better be an excellent bard, I have high standards.” The stranger sneered.
Derrick began playing his lute. He did his best to keep his voice steady as he sang:

O, were she so kind as to lend me a glance
I’d gain her good favor however I could
But a maiden surrounded by treasures and gold
Would never lend ears to mere metal and wood”

The stranger seemed to calm down a bit. An odd, unfamiliar expression washed over his face. Derrick kept singing:

With the grace of a swan and beauty unrivaled
She’d light up the darkest cave with a smile
And I would love her as no other man could

And I’d follow her through fire and snow
But alas, tis something that she’ll never know
For I am confined to this metal and wood

I hope one day she’ll learn
That this is her song
And my prayers will be answered
After so long
And she’ll give me the chance
To give her my love
And set my heart free
To soar like a dove

O, I know it could happen!
Know I’m not wrong,
If only she knew this…

Derrick played the last few notes, and slung the lute over his back.
“That was rather impressive.” Said the man. “Name’s Kerdik.”
Derrick smiled and held out his hand.
“Derrick.” He said.
“Well, Derrick,” said Kerdik, ”Better help you into town. These woods get dangerous at this hour, and you could use a guide.”
Derrick was taken aback at Kerdik’s abrupt change of heart.
“Why so generous all of a sudden?” he asked.
“I’ve never heard such sincerity in my life, and talents like yours should not go unused. T’would not be right to leave you alone out here.”
“Well, I’m not one to turn away help when it is offered…”
“You’re welcome then.” Kerdik smiled. It was an odd, slightly crazy smile, but it was definitely genuine.
“But don’t get any fancy ideas,” said Kerdik, stern once again. “You’re an excellent singer and a damn fine musician, but that won’t save your life a second time, should you try anything... creative.”
Derrick grinned. “That’s more like it.”
And with that, the two of them set off in search of civilization.